It’s imperative that landlords and tenants know the tax ramifications — for better or worse — of the language that’s built into their lease and ancillary agreements. And it’s just as important to be aware of tax-impacting items not found in any written agreement...
Read MoreIf you buy property with environmental issues, you may be liable — even if you weren’t responsible for the presence of contaminants. To best protect yourself, be sure to include environmental review as part of your due diligence.Why Conduct Environmental Due DiligenceThe most obvious...
Read MoreIf you own property and a business, there’s an obvious temptation to lease that property to the business. But be careful — you risk triggering the self-rental rule and catching the eye of the IRS. One creative couple tried to get around this by using an S corporation to lease their...
Read MoreTargeted capital allocations are becoming standard in new LLC or partnership operating agreements. Historically, operating agreements typically provided for income/loss allocations to the partners based on the safe harbor provided under IRC Regulation 1.704-1(b)(2). This was more of a “cash...
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Read MoreOftenin the establishment of a new partnership, one partner (the contributing partner) contributes an asset such as land or a building and other partners contribute cash. This is especially common in the real estate industry and is a nontaxable transaction under Internal Revenue Code (IRC...
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