Eagerly anticipated by the private fund industry, on July 31, 2020, the IRS and Department of Treasury released the carried interest proposed regulations under IRC Section 1061. The proposed regulations supplement the legislation enacted under the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017, impacting taxpayers holding an applicable partnership interest (API) in connection with the performance of services. Specifically, the proposed regulations clarify important provisions under Sec. 1061 and the need for private funds to consider a new tax election, as well as reporting and compliance requirements.
Sec. 1061 requires a taxpayer to use three years as the holding period for calculating favorable long-term capital gains by a fund manager or other related partner receiving performance allocations for providing substantial services to an applicable trade or business. An applicable trade or business encompasses almost all private investment funds, including hedge funds. The carried interest legislation has less relevance to private equity, real estate and certain long only strategies due to the three year holding period requirement for long-term gain characterization.
The impact of these rules will be critical for many private fund managers that hold APIs directly or indirectly and sell assets held for more than one year, but less than three years, due to the broad tax differential between gains treated as long-term (20%) and gains treated as short-term (37%).
Further, there were several unknowns with the initial TCJA legislation, which led fund managers to use certain planning strategies that minimized the impact of Sec. 1061. Fund managers have been waiting for regulations that would confirm some of those adopted strategies.
The proposed regulations confirm:
The proposed regulations create additional reporting and tax compliance demands on partnerships with APIs. Further, the proposed regulations adopt a partial entity approach to application where the existence of an API is determined at the entity level, and the Sec. 1061 gain is determined at the owner level. Below are the new provisions.
The proposed regulations also attempt to more clearly define other areas, such as capital account interests and transfers by fund managers.
Capital Account Interests
Under the proposed regulations, a capital account interest, as stated earlier, is excluded from the Sec. 1061 holding period rules. In general, Sec. 1061 provides that a capital interest affords a taxpayer a right to share in the partnership capital commensurate with the amount of capital contributed. The proposed regulations further describe that a capital account interest will be respected if the partnership agreement reflects the same terms, same priority, risk, same rate of return and same liquidity terms for all partners. Further, the books and records should clearly segregate a capital account interest from an API. These requirements would essentially require the partner and partnership to clearly bifurcate the capital interest from the API to avoid an entire general partner interest being subject to Sec. 1061 treatment on the entire interest.
Fund Manager Transfers of API
The proposed regulations also address fund managers transferring an API to related parties, such as family members or employees of the fund manager. The regulations propose taxing what would normally be a tax free transfer to the extent of unrealized built-in gains held less than three years. This could have a major impact on common wealth planning strategies for fund managers who convert API interests into a capital interest or gift APIs to a taxpayer’s child. Fund managers should understand the implications and seek tax guidance before transferring or converting capital account to any related parties.
Although not specifically addressed in the proposed regulations, the preamble discusses the practice of some fund managers to use carried interest fee waivers to circumvent Sec. 1061. The preamble states that similar arrangements may not be respected and may be subject to challenge.
The examples in the proposed regulations provide some clarity but are less specific to common situations for hedge funds with annual carried interest allocations. In particular, many hedge fund general partners “reinvest” their carried interest into the fund and a portion of that incentive may relate to unrealized gains. These proposed regulations do not address the treatment of the economic return on the general partner’s capital account as either an API or a capital interest.
In addition, while the proposed regulations discuss a narrow exception for cost of services (management fee differences) in considering the capital account treatment of a general partner’s investment, they do not address other situations such as incentive allocation waivers on the general partner or affiliates capital account performance. In addition, other situations where managers may have slight variations in economics from other investors, like side pockets, are not addressed. Fund managers should analyze the specifics of these situations to determine the best course of action to avoid API treatment.
While it is important to note the regulations are not final, taxpayers are permitted to rely on the carried interest proposed regulations before that time as long as they apply them in their entirety and in a consistent manner. Below are the areas fund managers with an API should begin taking a closer look at with their tax advisors:
Contact Peter Gilroy-Scott at pgilroyscott@cohenco.com, Rob Velotta at rvelotta@cohenco.com or a member of your service team to discuss this topic further.
Cohen & Co is not rendering legal, accounting or other professional advice. Information contained in this post is considered accurate as of the date of publishing. Any action taken based on information in this blog should be taken only after a detailed review of the specific facts, circumstances and current law