Cohen & Co has been recognized on USA TODAY’s inaugural lists of America’s Most Recommended Tax and Accounting Firms for 2024.
USA TODAY and Statista compiled the lists of “America’s Most Recommended Tax Firms” and “America’s Most Recommended Accounting Firms” through an independent survey based on the number of recommendations received from peers, clients and additional company data.
Respondents were recruited via an online survey and through an online access panel. Recommendations from professionals working at tax and accounting firms and professionals working with tax and accounting firms were considered in equal measure. Self-recommendations were excluded from the analysis and multiple quality reviews were conducted before publication.
Cohen & Co was also named one of America's Best Tax and Accounting Firms by Statista and Forbes from 2021 to 2023; the lists have since been replaced by USA TODAY’s lists of America’s Most Recommended Tax and Accounting Firms.
View the full lists on USA TODAY's website.
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